Advanced Components
Components let us split the UI into independent and reusable pieces. Conceptually, components are like HTML elements. They accept attributes (called props
), emit events and can have other components or HTML elements as children. In this chapter, we will see different kind of components and component patterns.
Component Registration
Registered components can be used in template similar to HTML elements. We can register components locally or globally.
Global Registration
Globally registered components can be used anywhere in the application.
Local Registration
Locally registered components are available only to the component where they are registered.
Name Casing
A component name can be kebab-cased or PascalCased.
With kebab-case
When defining a component with kebab-case, we must use kebab-case when referencing it in template e.g. <my-component>
With PascalCase
When defining a component with PascalCase, we can either use kebab-case or PascalCase when referencing it in template e.g. <my-component>
or <MyComponent>
Single File Component
Types of component
Simple Component
Input Component
Functional Component
Recursive Component
Dynamic Component
Async Component
Async Component with Fallback
Component with inline template
Component as computed property
Abstract Component
Renderless Component
Content Distribution
Named Slots
Scoped Slots
Last updated
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